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This is for purchase after you have had the initial visit with Cr. Kiley and potentially some labs done.
This is for purchase after you have had the initial visit with Cr. Kiley and potentially some labs done.
The Wellness Jumpstart package includes:
1) Initial focused visit with me To evaluate if you would benefit from the Prolon Program.
2) If laboratory studies are indicated, I will order them at this visit.
3) I will discuss lab results with you by phone, and schedule delivery of a 5-day Prolon food package to your home.
4) I am available via text for the five days of the program.
5) We will schedule a 20 minute in office or Skype visit 7-10 days after you complete the five day cycle.
Package cost:
$300 paid at initial visit. ***Already paid
$225 paid when 5-day Prolon food kit is ordered. *** This is what you are purchasing.
Laboratory fees are paid separately.